It's true that people in many societies do not value, often even ridicule, the RKBA. Britain may be like that today, but it was not always like that. Indeed, Britain has a historical tradition of the people keeping and bearing arms. In the 19th century jurists and constitutional scholars including Dicey and Story thought it unimaginable that Britain would ever lose this, despite the supremacy of parliament which precludes the kind of bill of rights we have here in the USA to protect it. But these men overestimated the sagacity of posterity. It takes at least 1 generation, usually more, to brainwash the sheeple. By "sheeple" I mean those who voluntarily give up their most fundamental human right and become dependent on the government to protect them.

What these people have forgotten is that RKBA is a natural or God given right - not a political privilege granted by governments. Every living being has the right to use force to protect itself from violence - whether from criminals, vicious animals, foreign states or tyrannical governments. Life is too precious not to be defended and from this perspective one could even say it is more than a right, but even a duty. Indeed, is it not a duty to protect and defend the things we value and what more so than life and liberty?

While many Americans believe these people have made a grave error in repudiating their rights, we still recognize the fact that culturally we have more in common than we have differences. So they remain our closest friends and we can only hope that some day soon they return to their senses and elect governments that recognize their natural rights. History says it's a one-way slide, but as good neighbors we can still hope against expectation.